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Compensation & Nomination Committee

The Compensation & Nomination Committee assists the Board of Directors in all matters concerning:

  1. The general principles governing the management of the Company’s human resources, and especially the policies on compensation, benefits and incentives for the Board of Directors’ executive members, the executives and employees of the Company, in accordance with the market conditions and the economic context in general, and
  2. The empowerment of the Company’s administrative centers, and the assurance of the effective management of the Company, by identifying, presenting and nominating suitable candidates for the filling of vacancies in the Board of Directors and approving the documented recommendations of CEO for hiring and promoting executives.

The Compensation & Nomination Committee consists of the following members:

  • Ioannis Zafiriou, Chairman of the Compensation and Nomination Committee and Senior Independent Director, independent non-executive member of the Company’s Board of Directors
  • Chariton Kyriazis, Secretary of the Compensation and Nomination Committee, independent non-executive member of the Company’s Board of Directors
  • Mrs. Kalypso-Maria Nomikos, Member of the Compensation and Nomination Committee and independent non executive member of the Company’s Board of Directors
  • Mr. Vassilios Katsos, Member of the Compensation and Nomination Committee and non executive member of the Company’s Board of Directors