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Privacy Notice

This Website has been developed by the company with the tradename «LAMDA MALLS S.A.» (hereinafter referred to as the «Company»), which has its registered seat at 37A Kifissias Avenue, 15123, in Athens Greece, for the provision of information and services to the users/visitors (Users) of the Website. 

The Company is the Data Controller of your personal data, collected through the Website, pursuant to EU General Data Protection Regulation 679/2016 (hereinafter “GDPR”) and Law 4624/2019. This Privacy Notice is provided in order to inform you on the personal data collected, to explain the way and purpose of data processing, to state any third parties with whom we share your data and finally to inform you on your rights. 

1. What personal data do we process? 

The personal data that may be collected when you browse the Website are the following:

  • If you wish to contact us, we collect personal data, such as your first name, surname, telephone number, email address, and the information contained in the relevant message you send us, through the relevant contact form.

  • Information collected through software tools, such as cookies, and other similar technologies and related to the analysis of your visit to the Website. For more information about the data collected through cookies and similar technologies, please visit the relevant "Cookies Policy[KBVL1] " section.

2. Why do we process your personal data? 

Within the context of the Website’s use, the Company processes your data according to the following purposes and legal bases: 

  • Legitimate Interest

Our Website provides you with the opportunity to contact us through the relevant contact form. If you contact us, we will process the information you provide in order to respond to you and handle any message, request, information or query you may have. It is in our legitimate interest to process such communication and to properly reply to you [Article 6(1)(f) GDPR]. 

We may process your personal data for the establishment, exercise and/or defense of legal claims and/or the defense of our rights before courts, administrative or judicial authorities or in the context of extrajudicial proceedings [Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

We have a legitimate interest in ensuring the smooth, correct, and secure operation of the Website, to maintain data backups and in general to ensure business continuity.

  • Legal obligation

We may process your personal data for the purposes of complying with obligations arising from applicable legislation [Article 6(1)(c) GDPR].

3. With whom do we share your personal data? 

For the fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes, your data may be disclosed to third parties, such as: 

  • Website support and management companies. 

  • Other companies with which we collaborate for the fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes.

  • Any other administrative, judicial, or public authority or in general to a natural or legal person against which, on the basis of law or judicial decision the Company has a relevant obligation or right to disclose such data or in general, in order to defend our legitimate interests. 

The Company has implemented all necessary measures, in order for the personnel and its partners to be specifically authorized for these purposes and fully committed to confidentiality and legal obligations under the legislation for the collection and further processing of the aforementioned personal data. In any case, our personnel and external partners are bound by the confidentiality and privacy clauses foreseen in the relevant legislation. 

4. How does the Company protect your personal data? 

We have implemented all appropriate organizational and technical measures, pursuant to the applicable legal framework and technical standards, in order to safeguard that processing of data is legitimate, appropriate, and secured against any non-authorized or illegal access, deletion, amendment or any other use of the data. 

5. How long we retain your personal data? 

Your personal data are retained for as long as this is required for the fulfillment of each processing purpose. Upon expiration of these terms, your personal data will be deleted, unless otherwise required under the applicable legal and regulatory framework or for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims. 

6. Your rights 

In any case, we would like to inform you that, according to applicable legislation, you may exercise the following rights, where applicable, after your identification: 

  • right of access to your personal data, including information concerning the processing of personal data,

  • right to rectification of inaccurate or incomplete personal data,

  • right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”),

  • right to restriction of the processing, according to law provisions,

  • right to data portability, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format (e.g. USB), to you or to another data controller,

  • right to object to the processing based on the Company’s legitimate interests. 

  • right to withdraw your consent directly and freely. 

You can exercise any of the abovementioned rights by submitting a written request to our Company. You can expect a reply to such a request within one (1) month following its receipt by the Company and in any case, within two (2) months, depending on the perplexity of your request or the high volume of requests received. 

7. Right to Lodge a Complaint 

In case you deem that we have not duly satisfied your request and the protection of your personal data is somehow affected, you may lodge a complaint through the dedicated online portal of the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (Athens, 1-3 Kifissias Avenue, 11523 Athens, Greece | +30 210 6475600). You may find detailed guidelines on how to lodge a complaint on the DPA’s website. 

8. Contact details 

You may address any questions or requests regarding the protection of your personal data within the context of the Website’s performance, at

9. What happens with third party websites? 

The Website provides access to third party websites through appropriate hyperlinks (links). These links are intended solely for the convenience of Users of the Website, and the websites to which they refer are subject to the respective Terms of Use and Privacy Policies. The display of the links is not a sign of approval or acceptance of the content of the respective website by the Company, as the Company does not bear any responsibility for their content as well as for the privacy practices or the accuracy of the website material. The Company has no control over the websites held by third parties or their content, which is accessed or made available through this Website and, therefore, the Company does not endorse, sponsor, or otherwise accept any responsibility for such websites or their content. The User bears full responsibility for browsing any third-party websites through the links provided on the Website.